Angry finished the last beer from the cooler and the Killbillies settled down for a much needed nap.....
Morning found them with an entire day to kill so they argued a bit about the merits of fresh brewed vs. instant coffee (of which they possessed neither) and Goatis turned a funny shade of pink from sitting in the sun too long. It was about then that they remembered that the starter had grenaded in the Crankyville Trolley the night before. Angry crawled under and installed the spare starter and they were on their way down the road for a delicious nutritious convenience store breakfast....Their bellies full and only another ten or so hours left to kill they headed for the country club to work off the eggs and sausage with a spirited game of putt-putt. (Angry kicked ass)....
...then they played some shells....
...met the Lobster Man....
...ate some hot dogs and clam rolls at the Burger Queen....
....and had more High Lifes and more Smokey Treats at the Sqealing Pig....
...Twitch hob-knobbed with the locals...
...the Killbillies had some more High Lifes...
Finally it was show time....
...Jimmy did the Rat Fink dance...
...and the Killbillies, once again brought the rock....
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