"Where the Hell am I?" you might be askin' yerself. Well you've wandered into Killville Massachusetts, the creepy little home town of Angry Johnny & The Killbillies. As long as you're here why don't you take a look around. We've got the"Killville Historical Museum Of The Strange" where you can check out some of the local crypto-zoology, prehistoric critters, grisly folklore and all sorts of weirdness, and the Killville General Store where you can pick up all sorts of Angry Johnny and The Killbillies souvenirs and the like. Then you can head on over to Angry's Creepy Little Gallery and peruse some of his world renowned artworks. And you can listen to Radio Free Killville WKIL the whole time you're checkin' things out. WKIL plays nothin' but Angry and The Killbillies sweet sound of rock & rollin'-countryfide-murder balladin'-bloodgrass 24 hours a day. So pop open a beer or a jug and stay a while, it's not like you've got anything better to do....

June 22, 2005


Jimmy Rat Fink
There's a new bass player in town. His name is Jimmy Rat Fink. A lot of you are already acquainted with Rat Fink, he's been filling in off and on for the past year. No stranger to the Killbillies' way of life, he served time along side Angry as a mercenary way back in the Great Killville Skirmishes of 93. Well it's official, he now assumes full time duties in the thankless role of Killbillies' bass player.


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